Portfolio analysis

We principally invest in UK lower mid-market management buyouts with enterprise values of £20m-£100m.

The portfolio is focused on UK lower mid-market buyouts where we have invested directly or through funds managed by our investment manager, Dunedin LLP.

Fund Analysis
color x y actual prefix postfix
#bcbdc0 Dunedin Buyout Fund II - 63% 63 63% %
#009ac6 Dunedin Buyout Fund III - 30% 30 30% %
#818285 Third Party managed - 7% 7 7%   %
Geographic Location
color x y actual prefix postfix
#00557f UK - 94% 94 94% %
#7e4097 Rest of Europe - 6% 6 6% %
Valuation Method
color x y actual prefix postfix
#bcbdc0 Earnings - provision - 3% 3 3%   %
#00557f Earnings – uplift - 37% 37 37% %
#a287bc Revenue – uplift - 20% 20 20% %
#7e4097 Assets basis - 11% 11 11% %
#7e4097 Exit value - 29% 29 29% %
Year of Investment
color x y actual prefix postfix
#00557f Less than one year - 0% 0 0% %
#7e4097 Between one and three years - 6% 6 6% %
#bcbdc0 Between three and five years - 28% 28 28% %
#009ac6 More than 5 years - 66% 66 66%   %

Figures as of 30 June 2021

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